Reishi - the elixir of beauty and longevity
"I came to this page because I follow biohackers who unanimously recommend Reishi for deeper sleep and more vivid dreams! To be honest, I was afraid to try it, because my dreams are quite colorful anyway. However now that university is coming to an end and I have to spend long evenings in front of the computer screen. I felt that I needed support to sleep better. I ordered the capsules and have now been taking them for 13 days before bed. I can already feel the effect! I fall asleep faster, the quality of my sleep is better and I feel more rested in the morning! I also recommended it to my coursemates!" - Martin

Shen Nong, an ancient Chinese herbalist, began calling Reishi Lingzhi because it means "mushroom of eternal life and spiritual strength." [1]
In Chinese, this healer is known as Lingzhi. Ruler Han, the first and most legendary ruler of China, who was also the founder of Chinese agriculture. The herbalist who wrote the herbal “bible” Shennong Ben Cao Jing (Materia Medica). There, Han describes: "Reishi must be eaten daily, it makes your body light and young, prolongs your life and makes you immortal so that you never die". [15]
- Reishi was and still is considered one of the most valued herbs in Chinese medicine.
This mushroom is also often depicted in art, as a lucky totem given to goddesses or emperors. Many Chinese folktales, myths and poems talk about Reishi. For example, the myth of Magu, which tells about a beautiful mountain woman who lived in the Guyu Mountains and practiced Taoism. The beauty one day decided to make a potion of immortality. To do this, she collected water and Reishi from 13 different springs and made wine from it. After thirteen years the wine was ready, and after a long wait, Magus became immortal. Magu is a well-known figure from Chinese and Korean mythology and is credited with healing powers, it was he who gave the world the medicinal plant Reishi. [15]
- The mushroom was discovered more than 2,000 years ago in the Changbai Mountains - the exact same place where our current Reishi mushroom extract comes from. The climate of the Changbai Mountains is harsh, but the mushroom feels good in the forests at the foot of the mountains. [18]
Reishi is still extremely popular in oriental medicine. Now its potential has also been discovered by Western science and medicine.
Reishi is one of the world's most famous adaptogens. Adaptogens are plants or mushrooms that help your body calm down, cleanse and support general health and well-being.
In a healthy body lies a healthy spirit!
What exactly is the Red Reishi mushroom?
Reishi is known as Red Reishi, Lingzhi Ganoderma Lucidum and Ganoderma.
In this article, we will list the benefits, active ingredients and healing properties of Reishi. In the end, we will also review frequently asked questions.
Ganoderma lucidum is known as the holy mushroom in the mushroom world [1]. The Latin word lucidum means bright and shiny. [5] This shiny mushroom is believed to be the first mushroom species in history. [2] For the past 30 years, scientists have been studying this miracle mushroom on a daily basis and have come to the conclusion that it is a sublime medicinal plant. [1]
- Reishi mushroom is a species of fungus belonging to the genus Polyporales, family of Ganodermataceae. [1]
Reishi is recognized and known especially in Eastern countries, but it also grows in Estonia: in bog, lowland and swamp forests. [2] In nature, we mostly find it growing on living and dead trunks of deciduous trees. The fungus prefers high humidity and shady light.
Although there are more than 2,000 different species of Reishi, only six of them are worth consuming. Red, black, blue, white, yellow and purple Reishi carry healing properties. [3] Red Reishi, which is also an extract of Mighty Fungi Red Reishi, is one of the most useful species. Many food supplement companies that advertise their Reishi as a wild medicinal mushroom mostly offer Black Reishi. Its distribution is greater, but unfortunately its potency is lower than that of Red Reishi. [1]
- Today's knowledge of Ganoderma is a combination of 5000-year-old Eastern medicine and modern Western medicine.
Reishi mushroom has been used in folk medicine for more than 2,000 years. It helps to increase mental capacity, improves memory, supports the immune system and increases lifespan. [1]
- The name Reishi was first used in Japan 2,400 years ago by the herbalist Shen Nong and was classified as a sublime medicinal herb.
This means that it can be consumed indefinitely and without side effects. [3] To be more precise, the mushroom is used as an antidote for mushroom poisoning. [5] The Japanese still call Red Reishi manntake, which means 10,000-year-old mushroom. Wisdom about the power of the mushroom has been passed down from generation to generation. In Asian cultures, Red Reishi has been a symbol of longevity and prosperity for millennia. [5]
The main active ingredients of Ganoderma lucidum are protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. In the fruiting body and mycelium of the mushroom, we can find up to 400 different bioactive particles - including: triterpenoids, polysaccharides, nucleoids, sterols, steroids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids, organic acids, proteins and various micro and macro elements. [5] Mushroom proteins contain all essential amino acids and are especially rich in lysine and leucine. [6]
Reishi is extremely rich in nutrients and minerals, containing Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu and Ge. [5] Germanium supports the body's metabolism and fights against malignant cancer cells. It has antibacterial, antiviral and pain-relieving effects. The mushroom also helps transport oxygen in the body. [2]
If you consume Reishi with antibiotics, their effect becomes significantly more effective, and at the same time, this extract protects against the negative side effects of the antibiotics. [1]

- Inhibiting cancer cells
Beta glucan found in Ganoderma Lucidum is considered to be the most effective anti-cancer agent, which helps protect against many diseases. It is a polysaccharide, which is basically a large sugar molecule made from many different small sugar molecules that have different amino acids stuck together. These complex sugars stimulate the immune system by activating immune cells and increasing levels of immunoglobulins, which produce a high response to foreign cells such as bacteria, viruses or tumor cells.[1] It has been found that regular consumption of Reishi can help the body fight cancer cells and prevent them from spreading or metastasizing.[10] In addition, mushroom extract can eliminate cancer cells already in the body. [11] Reishi's beneficial properties have been most noticed in prostate and breast cancer. [12]
- Antioxidant
Do you wish to be healthy for a long time? In 2009, the results of a study were published, which found the effect of polysaccharides hidden in the Lingzhi mushroom on extending life. [7] The molecules found in it strengthen the immune system and keep a person's blood vessels in good condition. At the same time, its antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals that can cause chronic diseases and rapid aging (for example, loss of skin elasticity). [8] Studies have shown that consuming Reishi mushroom extract for 14 days increases antioxidant levels in the blood. [9]
- Antiviral / Immune Supportive
Reishi contains special chemical components - polysaccharides and triterpenes. These bioactive particles boost our immune system. [1] Studies have shown that many natural remedies are effective as anti-HIV agents. Red Reishi contains, for example, coumarins, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, lignans, terpenes, naphtho- and anthraquinones and already known polysaccharides. [5]
- Balances the nervous system
In the past, this mushroom was used in the East for sleep problems and insomnia. Reishi has a sleep-promoting effect. Nowadays, both psychiatrists and doctors in China recommend Reishi as a remedy for sleep problems.
Reishi is also used for both psychiatric and neurological disorders, including anorexia, muscle cramps and recovery from long-term illnesses. The mushroom also helps with stress. [1]
Anti-allergic / anti-inflammatory effect
Research shows that Red Reishi extract significantly reduces all four types of allergic reactions. For example, Reishi has been found to have a positive effect in the fight against asthma and contact dermatitis. The mushroom also helps to relax muscles in case of muscle stiffness. Supports the body in the fight against eye inflammation, bronchitis and rheumatism. Overall, Red Reishi is an exceptional immune system booster. [1]
Liver supportive
Reishi is used for chronic liver hepatitis. Animal studies show an exceptionally strong effect of liver regeneration treatment, where liver cells began to regenerate faster. [4] Therefore, Reishi is perfect for people recovering from alcohol and drug abuse. [2]

1) What are the side effects of Reishi?
From the text above, we can see that there are no side effects when consuming Ganoderma capsules. However, there are some cases where the consumption of Reishi has been questioned. For example, Reishi is not recommended for diabetics or people who are already taking blood pressure medications, as Reishi lowers blood pressure even more.
During long-term use (3-6 months), some people have noticed side effects, such as dry mouth. It can also cause headaches, drowsiness or skin rash.
If you have disorders of the immune system, it is better not to consume this extract. [16] If necessary, consult a doctor.
2) Red Reishi and pregnancy?
Pregnant women in Asia use Red Reishi to balance the nerves and support the immune system. [15] Most doctors and scientists do not recommend Reishi for pregnant women because there are insufficient scientific studies on the consumption of the mushroom during pregnancy. [16]
3) How to consume Reishi?
Ganoderma Lucidum is too hard to eat raw. [5] Red Reishi is mostly consumed in powder or capsule form and is easy to add to your diet. The taste of the mushroom itself is a bit bitter, so Reishi mushroom powder is good for flavoring soups, curries, stews, but also desserts. Since Reishi is not heat sensitive, it can be added anywhere! [15]
4) How much Reishi can be consumed? [16]
The recommended amount of Reishi as a dietary supplement depends on:
- the age of the consumer
- mushroom extract consistency (Reishi powder, capsule, liquid)
- of the health condition of the consumer
Recommended amount of Reishi:
- 1.5g - 9g raw dried mushroom
- 1g - 1.5g Reishi powder (Seente Vägi capsule is 0.42g and the recommended amount is 3 capsules per day)
- 1ml Reishi tincture
However, we at the Seente Vägi team believe in ALWAYS listening to your body - if you feel that a one-time course does not work, we recommend doing a second course immediately. However, if you feel, for example, after two weeks, that your dreams become so colorful that it is difficult to rest... then reduce the amount from three capsules to two. Your body is very smart, learn to listen to it! :)
- In Chinese, this healer is known as Lingzhi, which means "spiritual performance." The mushroom, which has been used in folk medicine for more than 2,000 years, helps to increase mental capacity, improves memory, supports the immune system and increases lifespan.
- The main active ingredients of Red Reishi are protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. In the fruiting body and mycelium of the mushroom, we can find up to 400 different bioactive particles, including triterpenoids, polysaccharides, nucleoids, sterols, steroids, fatty acids, proteins and trace elements.
- Reishi is extremely rich in nutrients and minerals, containing Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu and Ge.
- Ganoderma Lucidum cleanses the body, supports the immune system, fights cancer and viruses, supports the liver and balances the nervous system.
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